Customer Special: Get 1 RESTOP1 & RESTOP2 FREE

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We know Restop products are an investment not just towards your outdoor fun and travel plans, but also to your health and the preservation of our National Parks.

If you’re unsure about our product, we’d love to give you the opportunity to give it a try! That’s why we’re giving away 1 RS1 and 1 RS2 for you to try for free!

Restop waste bags guarantee a sanitary restroom option anytime you need one and it is no more complicated than using a regular toilet. Our bags come with polymers and enzymes, known as Waste Activation Gel, which breaks down your pee and poop to its most basic composition. This allows you to throw it away in any trash receptacle.

Restop Waste Bags are resealable and easy-to-use for men, women, and children.

See Why Our Customers Love RESTOP

Join the Leave No Trace Movement

What can i say about this product. Cheap, compact and works well. I travel a lot to locations that are spotty at best, and getting stuck in places where I might rather not even go into the toilet or have no time to find one!! Just knowing i have this in my bag makes me feel better, and i can see this being great for truckers, travellers, kids or for when you have long distances in between rest places or have NO access to a toilet. Comforts me when i have the stomach flu from eating or drinking some not so hygenic local cuisine. WELL worth the price.
Google Review
Amazed at how well this product contains the smell and allows a pack-out of solid waste without having to bear the bad odor along the way. Well thought-out, light weight, and easy to use. These are given out for free here in Colorado near popular climbing areas (to minimize the impact of so many climbers). And I have to say, packing out waste (instead of burying it, as you would in a less-populated area) is a GREAT feeling... knowing you are leaving no trace behind and preserving wilderness as best as you can.
Amazon Verified Purchase
I had a Wilderness Containment Pouch in my van leftover from my hike in the Narrows. I opened it up, did my thing, sealed it up and did it all over again the next day. The best part, the bag is odorless and leakproof! I need to get me more of these!
Jill A.
Ski. Play. Live. TV
Our family will definitely pack some the next time we travel to Central America, Russia, or any other destination where sanitary facilities are likely to be either unsavory or hard to find.
Matthew L.
Avid climber
What can i say about this product. Cheap, compact and works well. I travel a lot to locations that are spotty at best, and getting stuck in places where I might rather not even go into the toilet or have no time to find one!! Just knowing i have this in my bag makes me feel better, and i can see this being great for truckers, travellers, kids or for when you have long distances in between rest places or have NO access to a toilet. Comforts me when i have the stomach flu from eating or drinking some not so hygenic local cuisine. WELL worth the price.
Google Review
Amazed at how well this product contains the smell and allows a pack-out of solid waste without having to bear the bad odor along the way. Well thought-out, light weight, and easy to use. These are given out for free here in Colorado near popular climbing areas (to minimize the impact of so many climbers). And I have to say, packing out waste (instead of burying it, as you would in a less-populated area) is a GREAT feeling... knowing you are leaving no trace behind and preserving wilderness as best as you can.
Amazon Verified Purchase

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, our bags can be disposed of with normal trash. But please don’t put it in the recycle bin! The bags are landfill-friendly and have been approved by your state’s water resources board for landfill disposal – they are similar to baby diaper disposal.

Because there might be a beehive there. But seriously, environmental studies have shown that human waste isn’t as “natural” as we think and will have a much greater negative impact on water tables, vegetation, animals and other people than most people imagine.

Yes. All RESTOP bags and assorted other products are unisex. They can be used by anyone, any age.

Yes, our ingredients are safe. And should the powders get on your skin, the worst that will happen is your skin will feel dry. And just in case that isn’t enough, to quote our Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), it states the following “…this substance and its ingredients are not considered hazardous as defined by OSHA or the EPA.”

Virtually unlimited. The U.S. Marine Corps rated the shelf life of the product at 10 years plus! Oorah!

Restop – Bears do it and yes, so do we

Primitive camping is a fantastic experience. Getting away from all the people, noise, traffic…getting in-tune with nature. Speaking of nature; it calls. I spoke to Lou Ortega of Restop the other day about his product, a portable commode that aligns itself with the Tread Lightly principle of  doing your part when camping and packing out your waste.  Read Article
