Pilots, owners, and passengers of small aircraft have had to get creative when they can no longer resist the urgency to pee or poop by utilizing what is around them like empty bottles, plastic bags, or screw top containers. These methods can very easily be punctured or come loose, which can fill the cockpit with bacteria and unpleasant odors.
While it may be uncomfortable to relieve yourself in a small aircraft near other passengers, the last thing you want to do is put yourself or one of your passengers at risk of having an ‘accident’ mid-flight. Portable waste bags with Waste Alleviation and Gelling technology offer the best solution when it comes to personal lavatory systems for small aircraft.
Restop waste bags guarantee a sanitary restroom option anytime you need one and it is no more complicated than using a regular toilet or portable john. Restop Waste Bags are resealable and easy-to-use for men, women, and children.
Breaking down Portable Waste Bags
A Brief Overview of Waste Activation Gel Technology
Waste Bags are a portable, sanitary, and environmentally friendly toilet solution that includes absorbent polymers and enzymes. These polymers and enzymes, also known as Waste Activation Gel, absorbs and solidifies both liquid & solid waste. Basically, your pee and poop breaks down to get rid of all the chemicals that it has so you can simply throw it away!
Waste Activation Gel technology promotes the “leave no waste” philosophy. The polymers & enzymes actually change the composition of the waste so that it can be safely disposed in regular trash bins and is landfill safe. Remember, please pack out all of your waste and dispose of properly after landing.
Be Ready to Answer Nature’s Call
Restop Products That Utilize Waste Activation Gel Technology
RESTOP is the solution for pilot and passenger lavatory needs
Whether you’re a pilot on a solo flight or regularly fly with a few passengers, keeping Restop W.A.G. Bags on board your plane offers a sanitary solution for anyone with lavatory needs.
Restop – Bears do it and yes, so do we
Primitive camping is a fantastic experience. Getting away from all the people, noise, traffic…getting in-tune with nature. Speaking of nature; it calls. I spoke to Lou Ortega of Restop the other day about his product, a portable commode that aligns itself with the Tread Lightly principle of doing your part when camping and packing out your waste. Read Article